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Bee & Wasp Removal

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Bee & Wasp Removal

Bees are generally robust and fuzzy, with branched body hairs that aid in pollen collection.

Many bees have specialized structures on their hind legs, such as pollen baskets.

Bees are often brightly colored, displaying a range of hues from black and yellow to metallic greens and blues.

When a honeybee stings, the barbs get stuck in the skin, causing the bee to die after stinging


Wasps have slender bodies with a defined waist and a smooth appearance.

Colors vary among species but commonly include yellow, black, or metallic hues.

Social wasps, like yellowjackets and hornets, build communal nests with a hierarchical structure.

Solitary wasps, such as mud daubers and solitary wasps, construct individual nests.

What to do if you find bees or wasps in your home:

Encountering bees or wasps inside your home can be concerning, but it’s essential to remain calm and take appropriate steps to ensure your safety. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do if you find bees or wasps in your home:

  • Stay Calm:
    Avoid panicking or making sudden movements. Bees and wasps are generally not aggressive unless they feel threatened.
  • Identify the Insect:
    Determine whether you are dealing with bees or wasps. Bees are generally less aggressive than some species of wasps.
  • Keep Your Distance:
    Maintain a safe distance from the bee or wasp to minimize the risk of being stung.
  • Isolate the Area:
    If possible, isolate the area where the bee or wasp is located to prevent it from moving to other parts of the house.
  • Open Windows and Doors:
    Provide an exit route by opening windows and doors. Bees and wasps may leave on their own if given the opportunity.
  • Turn Off Lights:
    In the evening, turn off lights in the affected area, as this may encourage the bee or wasp to leave in search of outdoor light.
  • Use Caution Around Nests:
    If you suspect a nest is nearby, exercise extreme caution. Do not attempt to handle or disturb a nest, as this can trigger defensive behavior.
  • Seek Professional Help:
    If you are unsure about the type of insect or if you have a nest on your property, consider contacting a professional pest control service for assistance.
  • Seal Entry Points:
    Inspect your home for potential entry points and seal any gaps or cracks. Bees and wasps can enter through small openings.
  • Dispose of Attractants:
    Bees and wasps are attracted to certain scents, especially sweet smells. Keep food and drinks covered, and promptly clean up spills.
  • Install Screens:
    Install screens on windows and doors to prevent bees and wasps from entering while still allowing for ventilation.
  • Educate Yourself:
    Learn about the different types of bees and wasps to better understand their behavior and nesting habits.
  • If Stung:
    If you are stung, remove the stinger by scraping it off with a flat object. Wash the affected area with soap and water and apply a cold compress. If you have a known allergy, seek medical attention immediately.

If you find that bees or wasps are consistently entering your home, or if you discover a nest, it’s advisable to consult with a professional pest control service. They can assess the situation, safely remove nests, and implement measures to prevent future infestations.

Our Bee & Wasp removal process

Removing bee and wasp nests is a task that requires caution, expertise, and a commitment to both human safety and the conservation of these essential pollinators. Our Professional pest control services play a crucial role in addressing nest-related concerns while promoting the well-being of the public and these ecologically important insects.

  1. Initial Inspection:
    Our experts begin by identifying the type of bee or wasp species and the characteristics of the nest.Evaluate the level of risk the nest poses to occupants and determine the most suitable removal strategy.
  1. Protective Gear and Equipment:
    Our experts wear specialized protective gear to shield themselves from stings while working near active nests Utilize appropriate tools and equipment for safe nest removal.
  1. Bee Removal:
     In the case of honeybees, experts aim for live removal and relocation rather than extermination. Beekeepers may be involved in safely relocating honeybee colonies and integrating them into apiaries.
  1. Wasp Removal:
    Different wasp species exhibit varying levels of aggression and nesting habits.
    Depending on the species and location experts will select treatments that may involve removing or treating the nest, 
  1. Relocation vs. Extermination:
    For bees, particularly honeybees, live removal and relocation are prioritized to support pollinator conservation efforts.In cases where the safety risk is high or for certain wasp species, extermination may be necessary to protect human occupants.
  1. Preventing Recurrence:
    Implement measures to prevent future nesting, such as sealing entry points and addressing conducive conditions.